Pink Lemonade Birthday
About a month ago, we had the sweetest mom contact us to do her daughter’s birthday! We had never done a Pink Lemonade party so we were so excited to dive right in!!! What a creative party theme..and pink and yellow are such a perfect color combination for summer!!!
Little Camilla was turning one, so of course we had to go all out for her! Mom had the FAB idea for a photoshoot before the party so we could make an UBER swanky invitation with sweet Camilla and a bucket of lemons! How precious is this?!??!? This is SUCH a great way to really make your invitation stand out among the crowd, and to show some personality! And it doesn’t hurt that Camilla is so adorable, either.
Real close up pic of the swanky smash cake placemat! Of course we did the monogram on the reverse..great for the party, and great for every day after!
Had to show…there’s not much cuter than ruffles on a baby butt!
HAPPY Birthday Girl!!!Look at those CHEEKS! And tiny, tiny teeth! Precious!
Do you have a party idea that you want Nico and Lala to embellish upon and help to make your party super swanky? Email us and we would be glad to help!
We hope everyone has big plans for the 4th and is getting to spend some time with their families! We are excited, oddly enough, about working all weekend! We will be busy designing our new website! Now, that is not to say we may not be cracking open a few cold ones on the back deck, or grilling out…so don’t feel TOO sorry for us. We like to work hard and ENJOY working, while doing it, if you haven’t noticed. HA!
We are so excited about what this will do for our business! Maybe, just maybe, we will let you all have a sneak peek as a 4th of July little treat?? It should all be up and running around the first of August!
Let the countdown BEGIN! Happy Friday and Happy 4th of July! We are so blessed to live in this great nation!
Nico and Lala

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